Copy this list of Sacramento County Office of Education Trustees and paste into an email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject Line: I urge your support of the CCCA Petition
Copy the letter below and paste into an email
To the Trustees of the Sacramento County Office of Education:
WRITE AN INTRO SENTENCE THAT STATES WHO YOU ARE: Select or write and intro that applies to your circumstance.
The Capital College & Career Academy (CCCA) believes that meaningful student learning often occurs beyond the walls of a traditional classroom and school. CCCA students will benefit from learning at our traditional high school campus, our community college partners, and learning centers located strategically throughout the county.
California’s Education Code strictly prohibits charters authorized by a school district from operating outside of the boundaries of the district they are located within. Countywide benefit charters are not subject to the same prohibition.
CCCA’s partnerships with businesses and industry are central to the school’s model and success. These businesses are located across the county; they are not bound by arbitrary district lines. If CCCA were restricted to operating within a single district, as required by law, the school would be unable to implement the educational model with fidelity, and our highest need students would miss out on access to robust career opportunities.
Learning centers, housed within our community partners, provide CCCA students with a safe and secure environment for learning closer to their home and directly accessible to industry or worksites. Students will be always under the supervision of a certificated CCCA educator while at a partner location. CCCA will launch with a single learning center in year one and add sites as enrollment increases and the school’s finances become more predictable.
Learning center host organizations will provide CCCA students with wraparound services that far exceed what a small public high school would be able to offer on its own. Students will benefit from the partnerships and will have access to services including counseling, tutoring, and other valuable services at no cost to the student.
CCCA will prepare all students for college by providing a full University of California-approved A-G course of study. Dual enrollment opportunities at American River College and other partners will allow students to access college coursework while still attending high school, all free of charge.
Graduates of CCCA will also be prepared to directly transition into careers in the construction industry with competitive salaries. Students at CCCA will earn industry-recognized certifications and specialize in a self-selected career pathway under the broad umbrella of the construction trades. These specializations will involve extensive real-world experience and intensive internship experiences.
It is for these reasons I urge you to approve CCCA’s Charter appeal.
Subject Line: I urge your support of the CCCA Petition
Copy the letter below and paste into an email
To the Trustees of the Sacramento County Office of Education:
WRITE AN INTRO SENTENCE THAT STATES WHO YOU ARE: Select or write and intro that applies to your circumstance.
- I work in the Construction Industry and support construction Career Technical Education.
- I am the parent of a Sacramento County student, and I want them to have the opportunity for construction industry career exploration.
- I am a resident of the Sacramento Region and wish this opportunity would have existed for me/my child when in school.
The Capital College & Career Academy (CCCA) believes that meaningful student learning often occurs beyond the walls of a traditional classroom and school. CCCA students will benefit from learning at our traditional high school campus, our community college partners, and learning centers located strategically throughout the county.
California’s Education Code strictly prohibits charters authorized by a school district from operating outside of the boundaries of the district they are located within. Countywide benefit charters are not subject to the same prohibition.
CCCA’s partnerships with businesses and industry are central to the school’s model and success. These businesses are located across the county; they are not bound by arbitrary district lines. If CCCA were restricted to operating within a single district, as required by law, the school would be unable to implement the educational model with fidelity, and our highest need students would miss out on access to robust career opportunities.
Learning centers, housed within our community partners, provide CCCA students with a safe and secure environment for learning closer to their home and directly accessible to industry or worksites. Students will be always under the supervision of a certificated CCCA educator while at a partner location. CCCA will launch with a single learning center in year one and add sites as enrollment increases and the school’s finances become more predictable.
Learning center host organizations will provide CCCA students with wraparound services that far exceed what a small public high school would be able to offer on its own. Students will benefit from the partnerships and will have access to services including counseling, tutoring, and other valuable services at no cost to the student.
CCCA will prepare all students for college by providing a full University of California-approved A-G course of study. Dual enrollment opportunities at American River College and other partners will allow students to access college coursework while still attending high school, all free of charge.
Graduates of CCCA will also be prepared to directly transition into careers in the construction industry with competitive salaries. Students at CCCA will earn industry-recognized certifications and specialize in a self-selected career pathway under the broad umbrella of the construction trades. These specializations will involve extensive real-world experience and intensive internship experiences.
It is for these reasons I urge you to approve CCCA’s Charter appeal.